Audio-Visual installation
single-channel video, 5'30" loop, 2021
Sound: Luca Ferro
Graphics: T
“Piccolo amplesso” (Little embrace) is an audio-visual intervention
designed specifically for the exhibition "Intersections: Angelo Mangiarotti / Rudy Faissal" during the Milano Design Week 2021.
The work consists of an audio-visual projection of a written and illustrated commentary describing a love affair between two beetles (Golden Cetonia) which ideally takes place inside and above some of the works of the two designers. The viewer, whilst following the commentary, will be able to imagine the intercourse through the sound of the beetles’ movements inside the glass vases, on top of the laminated chair as well as the steel desk and the plush table.
The commentary and the images were conceived as a tribute to the two designers of the exhibition: on the one hand, the Eighties stop motion animations (Mangiarotti), on the other the more recently inspired flash transitions (Faissal). All suffused with an ironic vein that contrasts with the solemn stillness of the objects and furniture.
According to the author's imaginative and poetic vision, during the night two beetles in search of intimacy enter the gallery looking for a secluded place and discover the objects belonging to the designers.
In this fictitious event, given the difficulty of filming the intercourse without disturbing the lovers, the author decides to capture only the sounds through the aid of recorders and to then report the commentary written and illustrated on video.